Amhara, Ethiopia, March 22, 2018— The Millennium Water Alliance, in collaboration with partners Catholic Relief Services, IRC, World Vision, FH Ethiopia, CARE, Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and WaterAid have launched the start up of a new WASH program in Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia on April 2, 2018. During the last couple of months, MWA has been working closely with Bureau of Finance and Economic Cooperation, Bureau of Water, Irrigation and Energy (BoWIE), and Bureau of Health to finalize all the required preparations to launch the implementation of the Bridge Program funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
During the program launching event, government officials from the Regional Planning Commissioner, Ato Bedilu Dingetu; Deputy Bureau Head of BoWIE, Ato Yimer Habte; and Director of Bilateral and NGO Relations, Ato Teklu Yemanebirhan, as well as a number of regional bureau representatives expressed their commitment and readiness to continue to work with MWA and Implementing Partners towards the successful implementation of an exciting collaborative program.
In the key note address delivered by Amhara BoWIE Deputy Head, Ato Yimer Habte, he said they have appreciated the concerted effort of MWA and expressed the readiness of the government to provide the required leadership.
In the program implementation period (February 01, 2018 – November 30, 2018), MWA and implementing partners will work with North Mecha, Dera and Farta woreda governments and key actors to prepare WASH Master Plan to support the woreda efforts to attain full WASH coverage by 2030 in line with SDG 6 goal. A detailed assessment will be conducted to inform the WASH Master Plan preparation with adequate and up-to-date evidence. Additional key work of this program includes installation of 200 Dispensers for Safe Water, facilitating the construction and/or upgrading of 550 Self-supply wells as well as construction of additional WASH works such as shallow wells, hand dug wells, spring development and 3 blocks of VIP latrines which will be implemented in the three target districts.
This collaborative program has brought various actors together to provide different expertise for a common agenda. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC and Splash are also key partners that are providing technical expertise and support.
Posted April 4, 2018