UNC Water and Health Conference Poster: Results-based Financing for Water Security – The Role of Carbon Credits in Sustaining Water Access
Author: Jason Lopez, Deputy Direct, The Millennium Water Alliance Link to Full Carbon Financing learning paper and executive summary (we are also testing a chatbot) Water security and Water Resource...
UNC Water and Health Conference Poster: Systemic Change in WASH – A Five-Year Analysis Using Participatory Methods in Amhara, Ethiopia
Authors: Mussie Tezazu (CQI & MEL Manager), The Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) Key Takeaways The water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) system in Amhara, Ethiopia, faces complex challenges due to limited...
UNC Water and Health Conference Poster: Assessing Causal Effects of Rural Water System Breakdowns in Northern Kenya
Authors: June Samo (Program Director, RAPID+ Program), Emmanuel Olela (MERL Manager), and Jason Lopez (Deputy Director), The Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) Key Takeaways Frequent breakdowns in borehole water systems in...
Learning Paper: Carbon Credits for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Interventions
The following provides a concise summary of the comprehensive study conducted by the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) in collaboration with NatureCo, with generous support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation,...
Learning to Action: MWA’s ‘Liquid Assets’ Event Explores Carbon Financing in Water Security
On March 20, 2024, "Liquid Assets: Carbon Credits in Water Conservation, Access, and Security" webinar, presented by the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) in partnership with the University of Colorado Boulder...
Lessons From Practice: WASH in Schools Ethiopia (WISE) Project in Dera, Amhara Region
LessonsFromPractice-WISE_240229Download Executive Summary The water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in Schools in Ethiopia (WISE) initiative, funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and implemented by the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA)...
Using WPdx for Decision-Making in Water Point Implementation in Ethiopia
Contributed by Selamawit Tiruneh, Mussie Tezazu, and Tamene Chaka with the Millennium Water Alliance The Water Point Data Exchange (WPdx) platform offers a range of decision support tools that empower...
The case for a Private Instance of WPdx in Ethiopia
Contributed by Selamawit Tiruneh, Mussie Tezazu, and Tamene Chaka with the Millennium Water Alliance Ethiopia, with a population of 112 million people, faces significant challenges in providing adequate and sustainable...
Private Sector Participation in the Water and Rangeland Markets in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALS)
The private sector has a critical role in ending extreme poverty and realizing sustainable development, specifically through job creation, technology development, and investments. Indeed, the private sector creates an estimated...
Validating the Impact: A Field Visit Assessment of WPdx Rural Decision Support Tools in Ethiopia
Figure 1: Dera Woreda Validation Team using WPdx Rural Decision Support tools to identify the top three priority areas for new water point construction work This blog is cross-posted on...