Using WPdx for Decision-Making in Water Point Implementation in Ethiopia
Contributed by Selamawit Tiruneh, Mussie Tezazu, and Tamene Chaka with the Millennium Water Alliance The Water Point Data Exchange (WPdx) platform offers a range of decision support tools that empower...
The case for a Private Instance of WPdx in Ethiopia
Contributed by Selamawit Tiruneh, Mussie Tezazu, and Tamene Chaka with the Millennium Water Alliance Ethiopia, with a population of 112 million people, faces significant challenges in providing adequate and sustainable...
Validating the Impact: A Field Visit Assessment of WPdx Rural Decision Support Tools in Ethiopia
Figure 1: Dera Woreda Validation Team using WPdx Rural Decision Support tools to identify the top three priority areas for new water point construction work This blog is cross-posted on...
MWA Ethiopia Data on WPDx
August 9, 2022 – MWA Ethiopia recently posted on the WPDx blog. It includes an excellent update from MWA Ethiopia Director Tedla Mulatu and staff on the program underway now and is a...
Increasing Water Point Data Sharing for Evidence-based Decision-making in Ethiopia: The Start of a Journey
Ethiopia is home to 112 million people with more than 81 million living in rural areas. According to a 2017 Joint Monitoring Program report, in rural areas of Ethiopia, only...