Think and Do Tank: In Support of Accelerating Resilience Building in ASALs of Kenya

Millennium Water Alliance Kenya is partnering with Akvo Foundation Kenya and VNG International to implement the Think and Do Tank, a pioneer initiative funded by Embassy of the Netherlands in Kenya and geared towards convening, connecting and catalyzing investments in the water, agri-food systems and energy sectors in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya.

Budget:  KES 156, 000, 000
Duration:      2024-2027 (3 years)
Implementing Partners:Millennium Water Alliance Kenya, Akvo Foundation Kenya and VNG International
Geographic Focus:Turkana, Marsabit, Isiolo, Samburu, Laikipia, Narok, Kajiado and Taita Taveta.

The Think and Do Tank is a hub that will provide technical support to stimulate dialogue and coordinated action along selected value chains. It will support collective generation of ideas and inspirations and strengthen spaces for learning, debate, and engagements through diverse events. The hub aims to boost the private sector, particularly farmers and small and medium-sized enterprises, towards more sustainable agrifood systems by providing evidence-based and targeted insights through data, collective analysis, investment opportunity profiles, and dissemination through a repository/dashboard. The hub will also establish brokerage platforms/networks for linking supply and demand and access to innovative financing facilities. Platforms for improved coordination and collaboration among development partners and between development partners and government of Kenya, including the private sector will also be established. Targeted technical support will be provided to county-level institutions to build their capacities for analytics, facilitating learning for adaptive management, and improving knowledge management and communications. Social Accountability methodologies will be employed at the lower levels of county institutions and with communities to help translate public accountability messages into efforts.

The overall goal of the actions is to enhance economic growth through increased private sector engagements as they play a critical role in ending extreme poverty and realizing sustainable developments through job creation, technology development, and investments.

The envisioned medium to long-term objective of the initiative is complementing the humanitarian efforts by harnessing (economic) opportunities in the ASALs to accelerate resilience building and increase stability for sustainable, social, and economic development.

Strategic Approach: The initiative will follow the Triple C mantra – Convene, Connect, Catalyze:

Convene: Convene diverse stakeholders and support partnerships for collective impact.

Connect: Connections to ensure information for informed decision making is accessible to stakeholders including the private sector.

Catalyze: Using the connection platforms, the Think and Do Tank will disseminate learnings and opportunities to catalyze the effectiveness of development partners, the private sector, and government investments in building resilient communities in the ASALs.

Contact Styvers Kathuni and Pauline Cherunya for more information on the program.