Lessons From Practice: WASH in Schools Ethiopia (WISE) Project in Dera, Amhara Region
LessonsFromPractice-WISE_240229Download Executive Summary The water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in Schools in Ethiopia (WISE) initiative, funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and implemented by the Millennium Water Alliance (MWA)...
[ETHIOPIA FIELD UPDATE] Monitoring Progress at Health Care Facilities
The Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) and partners recently conducted on-site assessments at health care facilities (HCFs) implementing the Clean Clinic Model (CCM). These field visits included the participation of regional...
[ETHIOPIA FIELD UPDATE] Government and Civil Society’s Organization Partnership Consultative Forum
From May 27–28, 2023, a pivotal two-day Partnership Consultative Forum was hosted by the Bureau of Finance of the Amhara Region and local CSOs. This forum served as an opportunity...
[ETHIOPIA FIELD UPDATE] Visit by Joint Technical Review Team to Dera and North Mecha Woredas in the Amhara Region
The Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) is a yearly event related to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). It is organized by a combination of groups, including government bodies, development partners, non-government organizations,...
[ETHIOPIA FIELD UPDATE] Year-4 Review and Year-5 Planning Workshop
The Sustainable WASH Project has been implemented by MWA and program partners in three targeted Woredas (Dera, Farta, and North Mecha) since April 1, 2019. This quarter marks the beginning...
[ETHIOPIA FIELD UPDATE] WASH in School for Everyone (WISE) in rural Amhara with support from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation: Launching Workshop
Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) organized a one day Launching Workshop on WASH in School for Everyone (WISE) in Rural Amhara Project supported by Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for government representatives...