MWA Featured in Hilton’s “Travel with Purpose” Progress Report

A Year of Impactful Partnership

The Millennium Water Alliance (MWA) is thrilled to be highlighted in the recent “Travel with Purpose” progress report by Hilton and the Hilton Global Foundation. This recognition underscores our shared commitment to enhancing sustainable water access and management in Ambessame Town, Ethiopia, in line with Hilton’s ambitious 2030 goals.

Transforming Ambessame’s Water Services

Supported by the Hilton Global Foundation, MWA has played a crucial role in transforming the water service level in Ambessame Town. By replacing diesel-powered systems with solar-powered water pumps, we’ve ensured a reliable and sustainable water supply for the community. This change not only alleviates daily water challenges but also significantly reduces the community’s vulnerability to water shortages, especially during dry seasons.

Aligning with Global Goals

Hilton’s “Travel with Purpose” report emphasizes the hospitality leader’s commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies to promote responsible travel globally. MWA’s project in Ambessame perfectly embodies this vision, focusing on energy and water reduction and fostering community engagement. Our efforts have contributed to Hilton’s notable achievements, including a 45.1% reduction in carbon emissions intensity among its managed hotels.

A Future of Shared Success

As we continue our work in Ambessame, MWA remains dedicated to enriching lives and empowering communities. This partnership with Hilton and the Hilton Global Foundation exemplifies how collaboration can create lasting, positive change. We are excited about the future and the continued opportunity to contribute to Hilton’s broader mission of meaningful impact worldwide.

For more details on this transformative project, please visit our Climate Action Now (CAN) for Sustainable WASH Services project description.

For more updates on our projects and partnerships, stay tuned to the Millennium Water Alliance website and our social media channels.

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